This month, "Under the Bonnet" has taken a rest (just needed more time for the new layout and general feel of the magazine), don’t worry... it’s more good news, than bad. I will bring to you the last two years of Apple history including the release of the iMac and all the surrounding media buzz.
We have thought long and hard for a fun contest to replace the column and these are the fruits of that labour. Our prizes are as follows:
1st . Diablo - Possibly the"Best" game ever for the Mac
2nd. Kai's Photo Soap - The excellent image cleaner
3rd. Fine Artist - You might well be if you try this
4th. A beautifully framed "1" Meg Simm - ? just in case your wall needs decorating
Sorry for those who wanted an easy time of it. We at 1984 AOLM know our readers are very well versed so these 15 QUESTIONS will be a fun time for all.
1. Who is Steve Job's : a) Apple's owner b) The interim CEO c)The CEO
2. What was Apple's first external case made of: a) Plastic b) Bondex c)Wood
3. What does RAM stand for: a) Random Approach Modules b) Random Access
Memory c)Regulated Accelerated Modules
4. How much profit did apple make in its last quarter: a) 101 million b) - 52 million
c) 24 million
5. Which of the following are not Mac mailing lists on the internet? a) Mac For All
b) Tidbits c) Macmarines
6. There are many hidden Easter Eggs for the Mac, which is not a real Easter Egg?
a) Holding alt/options when selecting about this mac b) holding down alt/options
while selecting sound in / sound out in your sound control panel c) Pressing
Command + Y on a disk icon.
7. How many bytes are in 1 Mb? a) 1000bytes b) 1024 bytes c) 1021 bytes
8. What is the name of the first place prize game we are giving away? a)Sporn II
b) Diablo Spawn c) Riven
9. What is Guy Kawasaki famous for? a) 1st Apple Designer b) 1st Apple Evangelist
c) 1st Apple Public Relations VP
10. What is the best reason for buying a Macintosh Computer? (25 words or less)
11. Who would you like to see become the next Apple C.E.O? a) Steve Jobs
b) John Halbig c) Don Crabb
12. What type of Chip technology will be in the new G4's? a) Copper b)Titanium
c) Celeron
13. How many PCI 64 slots are there in a G3 300? a)3 b) 2 c)0
14. What is the name of Steve Jobs's Animation Company? a) Animatron b) Industrial
Light and Magic c) Pixar
15. What is the name of the next Mac OS release? a) Rhapsody b) OS 8.5 c) OS X
and remember Prizes: 1st ..Diablo 2nd...Kai's Photo Soap 3rd..Fine Artist and not forgetting 4th...1meg 30 pinn Simms Chip (Framed)
1. Only one entry per e-mail address.
2. All entries must be in before 12:00 am PST August 25,1998.
3. Please be respectful of Apple at all times.
4. In case of multiple correct responses a drawing for the winner will be held by the
1984-online staff.
5. E-Zine subscribers are eligible for an additional winners prize...not picked at press
time but it's gonna be cool!!!
6. Please take the time to visit our sponsors there might be clues hidden and bookmark
our site.
7. Please let us know if you have anything "Macintosh" you want to sell in our new
"Classifieds" Section or if you even think that would be a good idea.
8. Please forward the site address to all your friends and relatives.
9. Come back daily for site updates.
10.Most Important......Have Lot's of Fun!!!!
Send entries to any of these addresses:
Email: or
I'll be back next month as normal, look on the brightside you could have had a column with me babbling on. Instead you got a fun little contest, that can't be bad!